St. Teresa of Avila | Teacher of Prayer eBook
At the heart of this study lies the passionate, unrelenting love of St. Teresa of Ávila, the renowned sixteenth-century Spanish nun who became the first female Doctor of the Church....
Regular price $2000 $20.00
Letter to Women eBook
Navigate the complexities of modern life with faith and clarity through our most popular and foundational study grounded in the timeless wisdom of Pope St. John Paul II. In an...
St. Thérèse of Lisieux | The Science of Love eBook
We live in a culture where women are celebrated for ‘doing it their way’ and often are told to be like men. St. Thérèse of Lisieux offers the modern woman...
Discovering the Doctors | Hildegard of Bingen & the Doctors of the Church eBook
What is a Doctor of the Church? Why does the Church honor them? Who is the latest doctor of Church? In this Endow study, you will discover the Doctors of...
Mulieris Dignitatem | On the Dignity and Vocation of Women eBook
Discover the profound insights of Pope St. John Paul II’s apostolic letter, On the Dignity and Vocation of Women (Mulieris Dignitatem), with Endow’s comprehensive study. His timeless 1988 letter reflects on...
St. Catherine of Siena | Setting the World Ablaze eBook
In an age when women were expected to either marry or retreat to the cloister, St. Catherine of Siena lived large in the world. She counseled rulers, reprimanded bishops,...
Salvifici Doloris | On the Christian Meaning of Suffering eBook
Reconciling the weight of the world’s beauty with the weight of human suffering is a problem almost as old as the world itself. Every age and every culture has...
Catholic Social Teaching eBook
Join us as we dig into the riches of Catholic Social Teaching! Timeless and timely, Catholic Social Teaching provides a framework for human freedom and happiness rooted in God’s plan...
Redemptoris Mater | Mother of the Redeemer eBook
In this 1987 encyclical, John Paul II reminds us that Mary is the greatest saint, and he explains why this is so. John Paul II calls her the “most excellent...
Rosarium Virginis Mariae eBook
Dive into the timeless riches of the Rosary from the perspective Pope St John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae. One of the greatest gifts of our Faith is...
Aquinas for Beginners | Part I eBook
Pope St. John Paul II said, “the Church has been justified in consistently proposing St. Thomas as a master of thought and a model of the right way to pursue...
Aquinas for Beginners | Part II eBook
In Part II of Aquinas for Beginners, we take the virtues we have come to intimately understand in Part 1 and put them in practice. There are many everyday examples to...
Deus Caritas Est | God is Love eBook
In his first encyclical, God Is Love, promulgated on Christmas Day, 2005, Benedict XVI expounds on the reality of love. He knows that the word “love” has been distorted and...
Humanae Vitae | Of Human Life eBook
The key message of this document is understanding the inseparable dependency of authentic love and truth in human relationships. This is Pope Paul VI’s long-awaited and controversial encyclical explaining the...
Created for Community I High School Book II eBook
The Endow High School Study Series is designed to draw young women into a deeper, more profound relationship with Jesus Christ, the author of our dignity as women. Through reading...
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Created for Mission | High School Book IV eBook
Created for Holiness I High School Book III eBook
The Endow Leadership Guide eBook
Help support Endow's mission to change culture one woman at a time. Learn more here. Nota bene: This is an .epub file to be used with an eReader. This document cannot...
Regular price $1200 $12.00
Lumen Gentium | Light of the Nations eBook
One of Endow's greatest responsibilities is to safeguard the deposit of faith handed down to us from generations. For that very reason Endow has chosen this document as one of...
Girl Genius III | Loving Leadership | Middle School Book III eBook
How can I step up and be an authentic leader in my school, parish, and community? Being an authentic leader means taking care of others. Humble leaders know their strengths...